Lulu Direct allows you to create bundles, enabling customers to purchase multiple books as a set from a single product listing in your store.


Creating a Bundle

Note: At this time, bundles can only be sold through Lulu Direct, and are not able to be purchased via the Bookstore or checkout.

Creating a bundle with Lulu Direct is similar to creating a book project. You can begin the creation of a bundle from two locations:

Lulu Direct Dashboard

The first location can be found in your Lulu Direct Dashboard.

1. Login to your Account. 

2. Click My Stores in the top-menu. 

3. Click the Create a Bundle button on the main Lulu Direct Dashboard page, under the connect a store section.

Lulu Direct Store Products Page

The second location is inside of your store on the Lulu Direct Dashboard.

1. From the main Lulu Direct Dashboard, click your store to open it.

2. Click the Create A Bundle button to begin.

Clicking the button takes you to the Bundle Creator, where the bundle creation process involves two main steps: creating the bundle and reviewing it.

In the Bundle Creator, start by entering a name for the bundle.

2. In the Add Projects to Your Bundle section, use the drop-down menus to select at least 2 print projects to be included in your bundle.


To add more books to the bundle, click the +Add Another Project button below the book section.

Note: Up to 10 book projects can be added to a single Bundle Project. 

Setting Your Marketing Images

Once you select at least two books for your bundle, the system automatically uses the book project cover images as the marketing images. 

Note: The system automatically selects the primary marketing image for your bundle based on the first book you choose in the book selection section. To change the primary marketing image, hover your mouse cursor over a book cover and click Make Primary.

You can also upload your own custom marketing image by clicking the Upload Your Image File link, if necessary.

Note: Uploaded images must be a JPG or PNG format. The recommended size is 800px-1200px on the longest side. 

Once you have completed the Marketing Images section, click Review Your Bundle at the bottom. 

On the Bundle Review Page, review the details, and if everything is ready, click the Confirm and Publish button at the bottom to publish the bundle.

Connecting a Bundle to a Lulu Direct Store

Once the bundle is published, you can add it to your Lulu Direct Store. Click the Add to Store to add the bundle to your store.

Note: Bundle Projects cannot be connected to Store Products with variants. Therefore, Bundle Projects with variants cannot be sold through ecommerce platforms, or the Order Import tool.

Clicking the Add To Store button, will take you to the Lulu Direct Store Product Page to begin creating your product. If you have not already created a bundle product in your store, click Create a New Product.

Enter the Product Title, Product Description, and Product Price, then click the Add Product Button

The Product will be added to your Lulu Direct Product Page, and a Bundle Product Listing will be added to your store. 

Editing Bundles

Once the bundle is published, it will appear on the My Projects Page with the rest of your book projects.

Note: Bundles can be edited by clicking the Revise button next to the bundle listing on the My Projects Page.

Clicking the revise button will take you into the Bundle Creator, where you can edit the Book Projects or update the marketing images included in the Bundle Project.

Note: After updating a Bundle Project, the project will get a new version number as a count of revisions on the Bundle Project.

Revising Book Projects Within a Bundle Project

To update the PDFs or metadata of books included in a Bundle Project, begin by creating a revision of the individual Book Project from the My Projects Page. Once the revision is published, the system will automatically update the Bundle Project with the revised book details.

Shipping Settings for Store Bundle Products

Shipping settings for Bundle Products are different than individual book products. Special weight settings will need to be applied to the Bundle Products.


1. Click Products in the left-side Shopify Menu.

2. Locate the Bundle Product and click it to open it. 

3. On the Product Details Page, scroll down to the Shipping Section.

4. Adjust the project weight to match the number of books in the bundle, with each book weighing 1 lb.

For example, the following Bundle Product includes 3 books, therefore, the total weight is adjusted to 3lbs., accordingly.


1. In your Wix store, click Catalog in the left-side menu, then click Products.

2. Locate the Bundle Product, and click it to open it.

3. Scroll down to the Shipping and Inventory section.

4. Adjust the product weight to match the numbe rof books in the bundle, with each book weighing 1lb.

For example, the following Bundle Product includes 3 books, therefore, the total weight is adjusted to 3lbs., accordingly.


In WooCommerce, product shipping costs are calculated by quantity. Bundle Products will need to have a class created and assigned to them so that shipping is calculated correctly. 

1. In WordPress, navigate to WooCommerce > Products.

2. Locate the Bundle Product and click it to open it.

3. To create and assign a class to your Bundle Product, please refer to the following WooCommerce article: Product Shipping Classes.

When setting up shipping class rates, shipping prices can be referenced from our Pricing Calculator to determine the cost.