If our automated system applies tax and you wish to make a legally tax-exempt purchase, a valid tax exempt or reseller certificate can be applied to your account. For companies or institutions that are tax exempt, there are three ways to submit your Sales Tax Exemption Certificate.

Note: A Lulu Direct account must be created before submitting a sales tax exemption cetificate.
  1. An email can be sent to [email protected] with your certificate along with the email address of your account, your name and phone number, and if applicable, the order number.

  2. The certificate can be attached to a support case via our support page. Please choose the options Buying/My Order > Sales Tax Exemption.

  3. The certificate can be faxed to 919-459-5867 along with the email address of your account, your name and phone number, and if applicable, the order number.

A member of our accounting team will follow up via email once the sales tax exemption has been applied to the account.

Tips for merchants placing exempt orders:

  • MUST have an exemption or resale certificate from the Ship-to State

  • Should include exempt Organization's Name in the Bill-to address

  • Some States require certificate on file BEFORE the order is placed