By default, all orders are automatically shipped via the cheapest available shipping method, and there are no settings you need to change on Lulu. If you want to see how much shipping will cost, we recommend using our Pricing Calculator. After you enter in your product specifications, quantity, and shipping location, we will provide you with the shipping cost.

There are several ways to set up shipping, but the simplest way is to set up shipping based on a Single Flat Rate. This will charge customers the same cost for shipping no matter where they are shipping their order. Alternatively, you can set up shipping based on Quantity or Zones.


Flat Rate

Flat Rate is the quickest and easiest method to set up. First, navigate to your WordPress Admin Dashboard, click WooCommerce, and select Settings. Once you are on the WooCommerce settings page, select Shipping, then click Locations not covered by your other zones.

Next, click Add Shipping Method. Select Flat Rate and then click the Add Shipping Method button again.

After adding the Flat Rate, click Edit under Flat Rate and enter in the cost you wish to charge your customers for shipping, then select Save Changes.

By Quantity

WooCommerce gives you the option to set the shipping rate based on the quantity of the cart by adding a formula to the cost field.

The formula is: [base cost] + ( [fee] * [qty] )

For example, if you want to charge $5 for shipping one book and increase the cost by $1 for each additional book, you can set the shipping rate by using this formula.

With this formula, the base cost will be $4, the fee is $1, and [qty] is the placeholder to denote how many products are in the cart.

If 1 book is added to the cart, the equation will calculate to this: 4 + ( 1 * 1) = 5

If 2 books are added to the cart, the equation will calculate to this: 4 + ( 1 * 2 ) = 6

Therefore, you will charge $5 for 1 book, $6 for 2 books, $7 for 3 books, etc.


Note: If you are using a bundling plugin, WooCommerce will calculate the cost of shipping as if it were a single item. For example, if you were using the formula above, regardless of how many products are in the bundle, the customer purchasing a bundle will only be charged $5 for shipping.


If you wish to set up shipping based on Zones, the process is similar to adding a Single Flat Rate, but you will select Add Shipping Zone first.

Once there, enter in the Zone Name, select the Zone Regions, and then click the Add Shipping Method button. Select Flat Rate, then click the Add Shipping Method button again. After adding the Flat Rate, click Edit under Flat Rate and enter in the cost you wish to charge your customers for shipping and select Save Changes.

After you have completed these steps, select Save Changes again to save the newly created Zone.

Repeat this process for each region you wish to fulfill orders to.

Note: More dynamic shipping options can be added through the use of an additional plugin. Please be sure to test any plugins you plan to use alongside Lulu Direct to ensure compatibility.