When orders appear on the Lulu Direct Dashboard, our system verifies the address. If any address issues are detected, the order will be flagged with an "Action Required" status.


Common Issues With Orders

The order status notification is most commonly caused by the following:

  1. A problem with the shipping information itself.

  2. Information is missing that is required to fulfill the order. 

If an order is created with incomplete, invalid, or missing shipping information, Lulu Direct will mark the order “Action Required.”

All orders are required to have the following:

1. First & Last Name

2. Complete and valid Street Address, City, State/Province/Region, Zip Code, and Country.

3. A Shipping Phone number.

4. A valid Shipping Method

When troubleshooting an order with the Action Required status, please keep the following in mind:

1. Check that First and Last Name are present.

2. Ensure each address field contains less than 30 characters, spaces included. If an address is over 30 characters, split the address into the second address line, and abbreviate any words, if necessary.

3. Double-check the State/Province/Region field to ensure it is correct.

4. Check to make sure the address has a street number and a street name.

3. Ensure the address has a phone number.

5. If the address is a PO box, or military APO address, check to be sure either Mail or Priority Mail shipping was selected by your customer as Ground, Expedited and Express carriers cannot deliver to these addresses.

Note: Lulu's system validates addresses using Google's address validation method. If you are unsure if an address is valid, or incomplete, be sure to check it on Google.

Resolving the Issue

1. Navigate to the Channel Orders Page, locate the affected order, and click the order to open it. 

2. On the Order Details Page, there will be an Action Required notification, along with an button to update the order. Verify the address is complete and valid using the criteria above.

In the example below, the street address is missing the street number.

Note: If any part of the address is incorrect or missing, a shipping method will also not be added to the order by default.

3. Next, click Update Shipping Address button to update the order. Update the address, then click the Update Shipping Address Button.

When the address is corrected and there are no other issues preventing validation, the address will be accepted upon submission. After updating the address, the system may suggest a more complete or accurate version. It may also suggest an address if all of the required information is present but there is a misspelling in the address.

Note:  If the account is set up with Auto Order Approval or Auto Pay, this notification will not occur.

4. Select the Update Address Button, then select which address you prefer in the next window. Click the Update Address Button, again.

5. When the address has been updated, a shipping method will need to be selected for the order. Click the Update Shipping Method button.

6. Verify the correct shipping method in your Shopify, WooCommerce or Wix order, then select the correct shipping method in the next window, and click the Update Shipping Method button.

Once the order has been updated to include valid shipping method, you can then accept & pay for the order to send the book into production.